"Optimization of Synchronizability in Power Grids Using a Second-order Kuramoto Model" Toshichika Aoki, Hideyuki Kato, Takayuki Kimura and Tohru Ikeguchi The synchronization of power grids is an important task for their safe operation. If the power grid enters an asynchronous state, its operation becomes unstable, which in the worst case may lead to cascading failures. Therefore, investigations on the types of power grid structures that are resistant to power outages or cascading failures are necessary to build reliable systems. A previous study investigated the optimum structure of centralized and/or decentralized power grids using the greedy algorithm; this structure is obtained by reconnections of edges while maximizing the synchronous area. However, the solution of this algorithm easily reaches the local minima. In this study, we found the optimum structure for various types of power grids using simulated annealing. Numerical experiments demonstrated that our method successfully obtains highly synchronizable power grids.